Friday, December 16, 2022



Here I will mention what is fire, fire extinguishing methods, fire types, agent to extinguish fire, fire extinguisher types.

What is fire?

Fire is a rapid oxidation reduction reaction which means a kind of fuel vapor reacts with an oxidazing agent and produces carbon dioxide and water as well as unburned fuel as ash, heat and light (flame).

In order for the combustion, the fuel must release vapor because vapor of fuel is more energetic and having more velocity, which can easily combine with oxygen which is oxidazing agent. So that heat is also necessary to set a fire. 

Hydrocarbons are the main sources of fuels because they are easily combustible. They are combustible because the energy required to break intermolecular bonds of hydrogen and carbons is much less than the energy released by products of combustible reactions (CO2 and H2O).

Oxidizing agent is the element that receives electron and make bonds in this way. Oxygen gives its name to oxidizing agent. Oxygen can easily react with other elements because the electronegativity (the tendency of electron attraction) of xygen is pretty high.

The heat is radiated in all direction. The heat which radiates towards the source of fire will vaporize more fuel which will increase the fire. This process is known as ''chain reaction''.

Methods of Fire Extinguishment

In order to tackle with fire, at least one of the four elements must be removed from the fire tetrahedron.

Removal of fuel is the most effective method. It is called ''starving''. In case of fuel is flammable gas or liquid, the fuel supply valve must be shut off. If the fuel source is a small piece of wooden product, the fire source can be eliminated. 

Removal of heat will reduce the vaporisation. It is achieved by water, foam or CO2.

Removal of oxygen means smothering. The idea is cut the connection between fuel and oxygen. It is achieved by foam and CO2 in enclosed spaces. Fire blanket is used in galley and other spaces where the fire is in a small container. The first action to do is to shut off the ventilation.

The breaking of chain reaction also runs off the the fire. Dry chemical powders are used. The dry chemical powder makes bond with the fuel or oxygen and generates cloud which prevents radiated heat reaching fuel so that generation of oxidation and reheating is interupted. However, dry chemical powders do not cool down.

Fire Types

There are basically two major fire classification. One is for NFPA 10 which US uses. The other is ISO 3941 which is mostly used on ships. 

Agents to Extinguish Fire

Water: Water is the most commonly used fire extinguisihing agent. It absorbs significant amount of heat. This reduces heat of the fuel.

The additional effect of water is smothering. The water is heated up to 100 C, it turn into steam at atmospheric pressure by gaining 1600 times volume. That means 1 cbm of liquid water generates 1600 cbm of steam. This steam cloud will surround the fire and will replace oxygen around the fuel.

Water can be applied to fire as jet stream or fog stream.

The velocity of jet stream is high. The ''reach'' which is the maximum distance travelled by the stream at horizontal direction is high. It must be aimed at source of fire otherwise it is not effective and it will not generate steam. Generally only small portion of the jet stream can reach the fire source. So that its efficincy regarding heat absorbtion is less. Too much water accumulation may create stability problems. Fire fighterers use it for boundary cooling. It is applied from a fire hose nozzle or a water portable fire extinguisher.  

Fog or spray form of water is aipplied from fire hose nozzle, water mist system and sprinkler system. Water is seperated into little droplets so that its coverage area is very large. In this way, it can reach the source of fire with significant less amount of water used compared to jet stream. Fire fighterers use fog stream when closing to fire scene. As a result, heat absorbtion and smothering can be achieved easily.

Water is used to tackle with Class A (solid materials, except metals) fire. Water is electrically conductive so that it must not be used on electric equipment. It also must not be used on Class B (flammable liquids) or C (flammable gas) fires since water will spread the the fire source, not extinguish. Also note that water will freeze at 0 C at 1 atm. So that portable water fire extinguishers are mostly found inside accommodation. 

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is heavier than air with molecular mass off 44 g/mole where molecular mass of air is at around 29 g/mole. When CO2 is applied, it displaces air. This effect is called ''smothering''. However, CO2 is only effective in enclosed spaces since CO2 will disperse on deck. Another effect of CO2 is cooling. Portable CO2 fire extinguishers are stored in liquid form under high pressure. When it is released to atmosphere, it will rapidly expand and cool. Thus, it will have a phase change to solid.  CO2 cylinders must not be exposed to more than 31C temperature which is critical temperature of CO2. Also note CO2 is a suffocating gas which will not support life.

CO2 can be applied on Class A(solid materials, except metals), Class B (flammable liquids), Class C (flammable gases) and Electric Fires.


Foam is produced by the mixture of water, foam concentrate (foam agent) and air. When foam concentrate and water are mixed, it is called foam solution. When foam solution is mixed with air, it is called ''foam''. There are two the most common foam concentrates; 3% and 6% foam foams. 3% foam means 3 volume of foam concentrate and 97 volume of water is required for foam. The further the ratio, the more foam is generated. The foam forms thicker blanket over the fire. However, as the ratio is increased, the stability of the foam decreases which will result in disperse of foam under wind. So that generally 3% or 6% mixing ratio foams are used.

Foam creates blanket over the fire so that O2 is eliminated. It is called smothering. Foam also contains water which means foam has also cooling effect.

There are some difinitions to be learned about the foam.

Drain Rate is the time that foam blanket turns into foam solution. The more the drain rate, the more the stability of the foam, however, the slower the foam spread over the flammable liquid and the slower response to extinguish fire.

Expansion ratio is ( volume of foam generated)/ (volume of foam solution). The more the expansion ratio, the more foam blanket occurs on the expense of the stability of the foam.

Type A Foam Concentrate is alcohol resistant or multi-purpose foam concentrate.

Type B Foam Concentrate is all regular type of foam concentrate that are not alcohol resistant.

There are a few types of foams as below:

Chemical Foam: It consists of an alkali+acid+water+stabilizer. It is not commonly found on ships.

Mechanic (Air) Foam: It is produced by mixing a foam concentrate with water as described above.

a) Protein Foam: It is prodcued by protein rich animals wastes or hydrolyzed vegetable waste + stabilizing additives + inhibitors. If the water is oil contiminated, foam will not generate.

b) Fluroprotein Foam (FP): Formed by special fluorochemical surfactants with protein foam. Surfactants reduce the surface tension of water so that bubbles(foam) can be generated easier and viscosity of the foam will be lower.

c) Film Forming Fluoroprotein Foam (FFFP): It is a combination of  fluorochemical surfactants and protein foam. These will create a film on the surface of the flammable liquid.

d) Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF): It is a combination of  fluorochemical surfactants and protein foam.  It will create an aqueous film on flammable liquid. Its main property is to spread over the flammable liquid rapidly. It is assumed to be most effective foam concetrates on foam flammable liquids. AFFFs drain foam solution fast from the foam bubble to produce the fim forming. For that reason, they do not have long term sealibility.

e) Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AR-AFFF):  It is resistant to polar solvents or alcohol. Polar solvents have atoms with different electronegativities and form dipole dipole covalent bonds. It is made up of AFFF foam concentrate materials + high molecular weight polymers.

f) Synthetic Foam: Formed by synthetic detergant-base + alkyl sulfonates. It requires less water than protein-based foams so mixing ratio is less.

Foam is used for type A and B fire classes because of its smothering and cooling effects.  Just like water, it is not used for Class C and electric fire.

Dry Cemical Powder (DCP): DCP consists of sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate. It is used for A,B or more comonly, A,B,C and D fire classes. The main effect of DCP is to interrupt the chain reaction. DCP make bonds with the fuel and oxygen so that additional fuel cannot be oxidized. There is also smothering effect. When DCP reacts with heat and fuel, it will produce CO2 and water is produced. So that air is run away from the surrounding fuel. Moreover, DCP will produce an opaque cloud which reduces radiated back heat to the source of fire. As a result, less fuel vapor is generated and fire becomes less intense.

It should be noted that DCP has no cooling effect. After fire extinguishment, the fire may start again by flash back (introuction of O2 to the fuel source which is still hot enough to produce flammable vapour). Also, powder is not used for electric fire since it will damage the electric systems.

Wet Chemicals are also used for Class A and F fires and some type of flammable liquids. It contains potassium solutions. It creates a mist over the fire and smothers the fire. Because of the water content inside, there is also cooling effect like foam extinguisher.

Portable Fire Extinguishers

A portable fire extinguisher is designed to be carried by hand and has a total weight of less than 23 kg. If a fire extinguisher is more than 23 kg, it is wheeled fire extinguisher. The most common types of wheeled fire extinguishers on board are 45L and 135L foam fire extinguishers in the machinery space on board.

Fire extinguisher rating defines the size of fire that fire extinguisher is capable of extinguishing. The example of a  rating code is 13A/55B which means that this extinguisher can tackle 13 size of Class A fire and 55 size of Class B fire. The larger the number, the more effective the extinguisher is. There is no code for Class C and D fire. If the fire is not capable of combating Class B or A fire, there will not be rating of A or B accordingly. An open latticework of wooden sticks approx 40mm square x 500mm long piled 14 high. The number 13 comes from the number of sticks in each row. The 55 means the extinguisher can extinguish 55 L of burning fuel.

Bursting disk is an important element in the fire extinguisher. It protects the cylinder from overpressure/vacuum conditions. Once it is broken (usually by over-pressure), it means that there is a fire around. So that the bursting disk ruptures and all the pressure runs out of the cylinder to the full. In this way, the fire extinguisher is ''self-extinguish'' the fire.

Bursting disk in green color

There are basically two types of  fire extinguishers; cartridge operated and stored pressure.

Cartridge operated fire extinguisher contains a pressured cylinder, mostly CO2, when the hadle is pushed down, the pin penetrates through the CO2 charge, CO2 is expelled pressurising the cylinder inside and extingushing medium is delivered to the atmosthere via dip tube. These extinguishers do not have pressure gauge. They are easy to maintain since cartridge and extinguishing medium can be replaced.

Stored pressure fire extinguishers, on the other hand, the extinguishing medium and charge are stored in the same chamber. When the handle is pushed, the pressurised atmoshere inside run out to the atmoshere via a dip tube. These extinguishers contains pressure gauge except CO2 fire extinguisher.

Stored pressure water fire extinguisher

Cartridge operated fire extinguisher

DCP, Foam, Water and Wet Chemical fire extinguishers fall either one of the categories above.

It is a good practice to shake the DCP and Foam extinguishers time to time to prevent caking for DCP extinguisher and prevent sediment settelement for foam extinguisher. How to use is writen on the cylinder. However, CO2 extinguiher works differently. CO2 extinguishers are stored in liquid form self-pressurised condition. The pressure of CO2 varies between 52-58 bar at around room temperature. However, the CO2 temperature should not be more than 31C which is the critical temperature for CO2.  Even if CO2 extinguishers are stored pressure, there is no pressure gauge since the CO2 is liquified. There is CO2 gas making pressure over the CO2 liquid. If there is a leak, that means the amount of CO2 is reduced but the pressure remains the same. In order to understand if there is a leak or not, check the weight written on the cylinder, the the bursting disk in place and check if there is any icing below the cylinder. Also note that CO2 extinguisher is hold at insulating material to prevent hands from cryogenic temperature during expansion cooling of CO2.
Portable CO2 fire extinguisher

Note that spare charges shall be provided for 100% of the first 10 extinguishers and 50% of the remaining fire extinguishers capable of being recharged on board (cartridge operated). Not more than 60 spare charges are required.
For example, if on board there are 40 cartridge operated DCP fire extinguishers(6 kg), then there must be at least 10+(40-10)/(2)=25 6 kg DCP powder and cartridge must be on board.

If the fire extinguishers cannot be recharged on board (stored pressure), there must be spare of each of them on the same type, capacity, number and quantitiy. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022



Here I will mention the followings;

  • The material of valves
  • The most common types of fire hydrants & isolation valves on board (globe, butterfly, gate)
  • Gate valve lapping
  • SOLAS Requirements

Valves on board generally are made up of cast iron or forged iron. 

Cast iron is liquified and then solidified again during manufacturing process.

Forged iron is heated so that it can be malleable in the solid state. It is not liquified. 

Forged iron is stronger than cast iron because there are little gaps betweeen molucules in cast iron due to change of state.

Globe Valves

It is very common that the fire hdrants are globe valves. It is designed one direction flow. So that valve must be asssembled correctly to the pipeline. Flow rate can be adjusted by throttle However, there is  pressure drop due to flow path of the valve and  the valve requires maintenance. 

Stem: The rotor that connects handle to the disk. The stem exposed to weather should be cleaned, greased and lightly lubricated.

Gland Packing: Gland packing ensures watertightness to prevent water leaking to the handle side. The gland packing contains stationry rubber gaskets. The gland packing bolts and nuts should be adjusted. However, too much tightening will make the valve hardly operate. On the other hand, too slack adjusting will end up with leaking.

Bonnet: The valve assembly above the bonnet bolts and nuts.

Valve Body: The valve assembly below bonnet bolts and nuts where the water is passed.

Disk: The part of the valve that allows or rejects the water flow. Disk can be metal or telflon. In case of teflon, it is subject to leak after some time as teflon get damaged easier than metal.

Seat: The part of the valve that provides home to disk. Disk & seat must mate when the valve is fully closed.

You can check also the video below.

Butterfly Valves

The butterfly valves are commonly used as fire isolation valves. It offers start-stop-regulate flow. Valve is fully open when the disk rotates 90 degrees. The flow is nearly not obscured so that pressure drop is minimal. It is important that the valve should be closed slowly to prevent disk from structural damage and hummering. If there is leakage in the valve, the disk and seat should be examined and cleaned. 

Gate Valves

Gate valves are often used as fire isolation valves on board. Gate valves are designed to start-stop the flow, not regulate. This is because when you half open the valve, the fluid passes will not be half of the maximum design of the valve, it will be more than that. This high velocity flow will damage seat and disk. The pressure drop is minimal.

Globe Valve Lapping

Lapping is the process of removing irregularities between metals. Lapping is required on disk or seat of the globe valves if there is a leakage from there. Too much tightening the valve will deepen the irregularity. The process of lapping is as below:
  1. Check if lapping is required or not. 
Clean the surface of the seat and the disk. Then, put on dye or lapping compound on the seat. After that, put back the disk and press gently. Thereafter, examine the disk and seat. The lapping compound or dye should make a continous mark. If not, there are some irregularities and lapping is required.

     2. Choose the Lapping Compound

Lapping compound is an abrasive paste that is used to smother the metal surface for mating. They are composed of carborandum, aluminum oxide, silica or silicon carbide. Lapping compounds have grades from extra coarse to extra fine. The coarse compaound smothers surfaces rougly at small grit sizes for rough lapping. The fine compounds have grit size at larger grit sizes for detailed lapping. It is suggested to use lapping paste from coarser to finer.

     3.  Perform Lapping

Put lapping paste on the seat of the valve or on the lapping plate. Rotate the disk gently at slow angles by slighly pushing.

 Continue the same process with finer lapping paste grade.

     4. Check the Mating and Test

Check the mating as described 1. If mating is satisfactory, insert back the valve and pressure test.

Rules as per SOLAS II-2/10

  • Isolation valves shall be installed for all open deck fire main branches used for purposes other than fire fighting. In ships where deck cargo may be carried, the positions of the hydrants shall be such that they are always readily accessible and the pipes shall be arranged as far as practicable to avoid risk of damage by such cargo. 
  • The diameter of the fire main and water service pipes shall be sufficient for the effective distribution of the maximum required discharge from two fire pumps operating simultaneously, except that in the case of cargo ships the diameter need only be sufficient for the discharge of 140 m³/h. 
  •  Isolating valves to separate the section of the fire main within the machinery space containing the main fire pump or pumps from the rest of the fire main shall be fitted in an easily accessible and tenable position outside the machinery spaces. The fire main shall be so arranged that when the isolating valves are shut all the hydrants on the ship, except those in the machinery space referred to above, can be supplied with water by another fire pump or an emergency fire pump. The emergency fire pump, its seawater inlet, and suction and delivery pipes and isolating valves shall be located outside the machinery space. If this arrangement cannot be made, the sea-chest may be fitted in the machinery space if the valve is remotely controlled from a position in the same compartment as the emergency fire pump and the suction pipe is as short as practicable. Short lengths of suction or discharge piping may penetrate the machinery space, provided they are enclosed in a substantial steel casing or are insulated to "A-60" class standards. The pipes shall have substantial wall thickness, but in no case less than 11 mm, and shall be welded except for the flanged connection to the sea inlet valve.

  •  Relief valves shall be provided in conjunction with fire pumps if the pumps are capable of developing a pressure exceeding the design pressure of the water service pipes, hydrants and hoses. These valves shall be so placed and adjusted as to prevent excessive pressure in any part of the fire main system. 

  •  In tankers, isolation valves shall be fitted in the fire main at the poop front in a protected position and on the tank deck at intervals of not more than 40 m to preserve the integrity of the fire main system in case of fire or explosion.
  • The number and position of hydrants shall be such that at least two jets of water not emanating from the same hydrant, one of which shall be from a single length of hose, may reach any part of the ship normally accessible to the passengers or crew while the ship is being navigated and any part of any cargo space when empty, any ro-ro space or any vehicle space in which latter case the two jets shall reach any part of the space, each from a single length of hose. Furthermore, such hydrants shall be positioned near the accesses to the protected spaces. 
  • the following minimum pressures shall be maintained at all hydrants:  
for passenger ships:
 4,000 gross tonnage and upwards 0.40 N/mm² (4.0 bar)
less than 4,000 gross tonnage 0.30 N/mm²  (3.0 bar)

for cargo ships: 
6,000 gross tonnage and upwards 0.27 N/mm²  (2.7 bar)
less than 6,000 gross tonnage 0.25 N/mm²  (2.5 bar).

Monday, December 5, 2022




As per SOLAS II-2/10;

All fire hoses must be at least 10 m in length but maximum length is not more than as follows:

  • 15 m in machinery spaces,
  • 20 m in other spaces on deck,
  • 25 m for open decks on ships with a maximum breadth in excess of 30 m.
There must be one hose and nozzle for each fire hydrants and there shall be complete interchangeability of hose couplings and nozzles.

In cargo ships:

of 1,000 gross tonnage and upwards,
the number of fire hoses to be provided shall be one for each 30 m length of the ship and one spare but in no case less than five in all.

A sample of minimum no. of fire hose distribution on deck of a ship which is more than 1000 GRT, not engaged in carrying dagerous goods.

  • This number does not include any hoses required in any engine or boiler room. The Administration may increase the number of hoses required so as to ensure that hoses in sufficient number are available and accessible at all times, having regard to the type of ship and the nature of trade in which the ship is employed.

  • Ships carrying dangerous goods  shall be provided with 3 hoses and nozzles, in addition to those required above;

  • of less than 1,000 gross tonnage, the number of fire hoses to be provided shall be the same requirement with above except, in no case less than three in all.

    Standard nozzle sizes shall be 12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm or as near thereto as possible. Larger diameter nozzles may be permitted at the discretion of the Administration. 

  • For accommodation and service spaces, a nozzle size greater than 12 mm need not be used. 

  • For machinery spaces and exterior locations, the nozzle size shall be such as to obtain the maximum discharge possible from two jets at the pressure required from the smallest pump, provided that a nozzle size greater than 19 mm need not be used. 

  • Nozzles shall be of an approved dual-purpose type (i.e., spray/jet type) incorporating a shutoff. 

  • What are fire hoses made of?

  • Liner covered by jaket(s) 

  • Each fire hose consists of a rubber liner in which the water is carried. However, it cannot witstand the high pressure nor provide resistance to weathering. So that the liner is covered over by single or double jackets made of fabric or rubber.

  • Rubber Jacket Fire Hose

  • Rubber fire hoses provide extra resistance to chemicals and abrasion. They do not absorb water so that they can be stored when wet. They are also easy to clean. However, they are not good at flexibility when comprared to the fabric hoses. The rubber generally are made out of syntetic nitrile rubber.

  • Fabric Single/Double Jacket Fire Hose

  • These hoses are made up of polyester or nylon yarns forming jacket out of interior rubber.

  • If there is one coat over the interior rubber, it is called ''single jacket''; if there are two coats over the interior rubber, it is called ''double jacket''.

           Polyester fabrics, are very strong, elastic and resistant to mildew and chemicals.
          The nylons can dry easily, have resistance to UV lights, heat, chemicals, abrasion and elastic.

            Fire Hose Color

Fire hose color gives additional durability as compared to the white fire hose of the same type because pigments in the color show more resistance to UV radiations.

Fire Hose Repair

If the fire hose breaks at some place, we have to repair it on board. Please be sure that, the length of the fire hose after reapir will be more than 10 m as per SOLAS requirements. 

Please see the video below for tutorial.

Thursday, November 24, 2022



Breathing air compressors are used to fill up SCBA and EEBD cylinders. Having the compressor on board determines the minimum number of SCBA cylinders on board as follows:

  • If the ship has a BA Compressor, there must be at least 1 charged spare cylinder for each SCBA set for Fire Fighterer Equipment and Safety Equipment. 
Ex: Total SCBA Set on board: 9
       Spare Required: 9
  •  If the ship does not have a BA Compressor, there must be at least 2 charged spare cylinder for each SCBA set for Fire Fighterer Equipment and Safety Equipment.

Ex: Total SCBA Set on board: 9
       Spare Required: 18

Please note that these cylinders shall be interchangeable.

For passanger ships carrying  more than 36 passangers or constructed on after 1 July 2010 ;

  • The source of emnergecy can be from main and energency switchboard or independently driven.
  • 60 l/min < BA Compressor filling capacity < 420 l/min or  
  • self-contained high-pressure storage systems of suitable pressure to recharge the breathing apparatus used on board, with a capacity of at least 1,200 l per required breathing apparatus, not to exceed 50,000 l of free air.'' (50,000 l / 1200 l = 41.7 ≈ 42 max  BA cylinders on board if this storage system is being used).

-SOLAS II-2/10


We will see below the working diagram of a BA Compressor. This is just a sample. Please see BA Compressor Manual on board your ship for the correct procedure. Every BA Compressor's system may slightly differ from each other.

Air flow diagram
Source: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

  • Air is taken from air intake (1).
  • Air is compressed in three stages (3,4,5).
  • Between cylinders, there are two intercoolers, one after cooler and one seperator (6,7,8). The intercoolers and after cooler take the heat from the compressed air and let the temperature of the air drops which will increase the compression ratio of the next cylinder. The seperator extracts oil & water.
  • The cartridge (filter system) purifies the air compressed air (Hazmat gases such as CO & CO2 are filtered).
  • The purified compressed air comes at pressure maintaining valve. There are two options: 300 bar or 200 bar. One of them would be operational by user choice, which a valve is given. If you turn it clockwise, 300 bar in operation. When you turn it counter-clockwise, 200 bar is operational. The pressure switch over valve should be adjusted only when the compressor is not running and there is no pressure in the system.
BA Compressor Procedure

Please note that, the procedure of filling cylinders changes from one compressor to other. So check your compressor's manual before use. The sample above is just an example.

Parts of BA Compressor

Source: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Filter Assembly

Filter assembly consists of a cartridge, seperator chamber and timer (optional).

In the seperator chamber surrounding the cartridge, the oil and water is removed. During operation, this area has to be drained together with cartridge before and after operation and once every 15 minutes during operation by the  drain valves (1,2,3 in the photo left) .

The cartridge removes oil, water and hazmat gases (such as CO, CO2). Without the cartridge, the compressor is designed not to work such that the cartridge also provides a gas tight seal at the outlet of the filter system which allow the pressure built up. Without cartridge, the air will escape into the atmosphere and the pressure will not build up.
Filter lifespan is 4,000 loads at 330 bar or 35,000 loads at 225 bar working pressure difference or  1,000 for 330 bar units, and 8,750 for 225 bar units.. So that the maintenance records are vital. Fortunately, there is a timer on some of the cartridge.

The timer counts working time of compressor, cartridge pressure, temperature and air delivery rate of compressor.  It also displays operating hours, cartridge lifetime, and all maintenance due for the compressor. The timer may differ in property depending on the compressor if fitter. So that, please check the properties of timer of your compressor, if fitted, before use.

  • It is better to keep 50-80 bar pressure in the system after use to prevent moisture.
  • Always keep maintence records up dated.
  • Before any maintenace, depressurise the system.

Pressure Maintaining Valve

Pressure maintaining valve is used to build up pressure. It is adjusted in factory. However, if it mulfunctions, you can adjust it as below:

  • Loose the nut (2)
  • Set screw (1)
  • Adjust screw by a screw driver (1)

Source: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Clockwise: Increase pressure
Counter Clockwise: Decrease pressure

Safety Valves

There are three safety valves at all three compression stages. However, what we are interested is the safety valve for third stage or final safety valve because it is mounted above the filer assembly (the other two ones are not visible) and it allows us to adjust final pressure. Actually, that safety valve is intented to be used to blow off pressure the exceesive pressure in case of mulfanctioning but in reality, I have observed that the engineers responsible for BA Compressor maintenace were adjusting final pressure simply by turning the knob at the top of the final safety valve.

Please note that some BA Compressor's final safety valves are factory sealed. So that only Maker's personnels are allowed to adjust.

Also, the final safety valves are two; one for 200 bar pressure outlet, and the other one is for 300 bar pressure outlet.

BA Compressor referenced: Bauer Junior II.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022



SCBA is used to fight with fire and enable us to enter into enclosed spaces where there is less oxygen.

Basically, there are two types of SCBAs; Closed-Circuit and Open Circuit. I will be focusing on more Open Circuit System since it is the most common type on board ships.

1. Closed Circuit SCBA               

  • These are also known as ''rebreather''.           
  • The exhaled gas is filtered and recirculated.
  • It allows more working time.
  • However, these are heavier.
2. Open Circuit SCBA

  • The air to breathe is stored in the cylinder.
  • The compressed air is passed 1st stage reducer where presure is reduced to medium pressure. Another branch of pipeline from the cylinder goes directly to the pressure gauge and Warning Device without any reduction in pressure.
  • Thereafter, the medium-pressured air is passed the 2nd stage reducer (a.k.a. Lung Demand Valve (LDV)) where pressure is redeced down to slightly above the ambient pressure.
  • The exhaled is is vented out to the environment from the mask.


Components of Open-Circuit SCBA

1. BA Cylinders

There are two types of BA Cylinders, steel and carbon-composite cylinders.

Steel BA cylinders are commonly used. They shall be hydro-tested at least once every 5 years (MSC Circ.1432)

Carbon Compsosite Cylinders consist of a alimunium liner over carbon fibers. These may be accepted by Administration if the followings are satisfied:
  • Max. charging rate: 27 bar/minute
  • If the cylinder is abrased or cut damaged to the carbon composite layer, it must be rendered as unserviceable.
  • There must be label on the cylinder that displays vital safety information and should be clearly marked.
  • Cylinders should be provided with a suitable protective cover for better protection against contact damage which should be removed prior to each charging for visual check.
  • They are subject to hydrostatic test as per Administration requirement.
 MSC Circ. 1432, MSIS 12 Chapter 9

Draeger Carbon-Composite Cylinder 
Source: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

2. First Stage Regulator 

The working principle is the same with First Stage Regulator in EEBD. 

When the clinder is turned on, high pressure air will start to flow to the valve seat. When air is passed after the spring, the air accumulated between low pressure side of the pipeline and LDV will trigger the spring to close the valve.
Spring load is adjusted by maker.
Outlet pressure < spring load force: Valve Opens (spring in neutral postion) - air flows.
Outlet pressure> spring load force: Valve closes (spring is compressed) - air stops.

First Stage Regulator of SCBA

3. Warning Device

It shall be activated automatically  and warn that air in the cylinder is reduced to no less that 200 litres
( at around 55 +/- 5 barg - red rection at pressure gauge) (FFS Code 2.1.2).

 (200 l) / (40 l/min) = 5 minutes. That means, if warning device is activated, we must understand that aprroximately 5 minute remains to go!

4. Lung Demand Valve (LDV)

LDV is also known as ''Second Stage Regulator'' which decreases medium pressure to slightly above the atmospheric pressure. LDVs are activated by breathe of user and/or purge button.
LDV opeartion is automated depending on the face mask pressure. If we asssume that there is no leak in the face mask, user breathes govern the Lung Demand Valve operation.
The activation of LDV can be either ''Negative LDV'' or ''Positive LDV''.

  • In Negative LDV operation, LDV activates the flow when the pressure in the fack mask is reduced below ambient pressure. In case of a leak in the face mask, the hazardous gas may be inhaled.
  • The Postive LDV relies on the principle that face mask pressure is kept as always slightly above the atmospheric pressure. In case of a leak in the face mask, the cylinder will run off easily to try keeping the face mask pressure above the atmospheric pressure at all times.
Please see the video below the working of Positive Pressure LDV. 


5. Reset Button and Purge Button

Donning/Doffing button, also known as Reset Button is to cut air supply during donning or doffing.

Purge button activates air flow. It is used to supply air to the user if the user's hardy breathing or to purge the air remaining in the line when cylinder vavle is closed.

Some LDVs are also equipped with ''By-Pass Button''. This button is used to by-pass the LDV and give medium supply to the face mask in case LDV mulfanctions.

Donning Procedure of SCBA

Press OFF button (red) to cut off air supply to the facemask. Hear ''click''sound.

Pressure Test

Open cylinder valve and close.Check for the pressure. 

The pressure range should be 270-330 barg.

Leak Test

·         Wait for 1 minute.

·         Within 1 min, the pressure should not drop more than 20 barg.

Warning Sound Test

Disconnect facemask from second stage regulator.

Breath in the exit port and let the pressure drop slowly (Adjust pressure drop by blocking exit port by your hand).

The warning signal should be heard at around 50 barg.

  • Face Mask Seal Test
       Wear face mask.

                      Disconnect 2nd stage regulator.

             Plug in the end tube with your finger and breath in.

       The face mask should create vacuum over your face.

The donning test procedure above is just a sample. Please check your SCBA Manual for the correct procedure.

Some Important Rules Related with SCBAs

BAs shall be Self Closing type for which volume of contained air in the cylinder shall be at least 1200 l or be functioning of at least 30 min. ((1200 l)/(40 l/min) = 30 min))

SCBA shall be fitted with an audible and a usual or other device which will alert the user before volume of the air in the cylinder has been reduced to no less than 200 l. (This warning device simply consists of a whistle. However, there is also PASS Device (Personal Alert Safety System) which is electronic equipment and able to sense the motion of the user. ıf no motion is detected for 30 seconds, the alarm is generated. As you understand it is an advanced device and rarely seen on board ships.)

-FFS Code 2.1.2

Thursday, November 17, 2022



EEBD is a part of fire fighting equipment by SOLAS II-2/4.3 ''Espcape'' section and the basic technical requirements are given in  Fire Safety System Code (FSS Code 2.2). The above standards are applied depending on the type of the ship. For example, IGC Code applies to Gas Tankers. So that, the requirement of EEBD should be checked from the relevant code depending on the type of the ship.


EMERGENCY ESCAPE BREATHING DEVICE (EEBD) is used t escape from a gas-hazardous space.

EEBD shall not be used to tackle with fire and enter in spaces where oxygen is deficient. 

You may see the dilemma ''How is it possible that if EEBD is not used to fight fire, but it is included in FFS Code?''. The answer is that EEBD is under ''Escape'' section of SOLAS II/2. If fire or hazardous atmosphere occurs in an enclosed space, the victim will get the EEBD and get out of that place.

Actually, EEBD is not designed to tackle wıth fire nor enter in spaces where there is lack of oxygen because of its minimum working time requirement. (10 min by FFS Code, which is not enough o tackle wıth fire nor enter in spaces where there is lack of oxygen).

Just think that you are entering the cargo hold which is occupied by hazardous gas and has a  height of  15 m. You will need to climb up & down + perform your task inside the tank within at least 10 min. It is not possible.

When you consider to tackle fire by EEBD, fire extinguishing process may take more than 10 minutes. 

Working System

Once EEBD is activated, it will supply air to the hood at a pre-determined ''fixed rate'' irrespective of inhalation rate. The fixed rate is usually more than 40L/min. We will come to ''why is it 40L/m?''

The capacity of air inside the cylinder is calculated by Boyle's Law as below:

P1= 1 bar

P2= 200 barg

V1= ?

V2= 3L

(a)Working pressure of cylinder: 200 barg

(b)Capacity of air cylinder: 3 L

V1= (P2*V2)/(P1)

V1= 600L

The basic formula above dictates that what would be the air capacity at ambient pressure assuming that the temperature is constant. As you think about EEBD, the compressed air in the cylinder is reduced in pressure slightly above the atmospheric pressure. Please note that it was also assumed that 1 atm= 1 bar= 1kgf/cm2 for easing of the calculation.

40L/min consuption of air by human has been accepted in the industry. So that the working time can be calculated as (600L)/(40L/min)=15 min for the example above.


Design of EEBD

There are basically three distinctive EEBD designs as below:

Design 1: Manually Operated Cylinder Valve


Once the cylinder valve opened, the high pressursied air is reduced down to medium pressure (about 6.5 +/-2 barg). This rate supplies continous fixed flow of air and creates positive pressure at all times inside the hood, which prevents hazardous gas entering inside the hood.

Design 2: Auto-Operated Cylinder Valve

The only difference from manual operated cylinder valve type is that, once the EEBD bag opened, the cylinder valve automatically opens and flow of air commences. It is achieved by a hook mechanism. The anchored part is hook to the EEBD bag inside and the movable part is ınserted in the cylinder valve in a way that when it is connected, EEBD is not operational but when it is released, EEBD is operational.

Auto-activation mechanism. The hook should be fixed on dedicated location inside EEBD bag.

Design 3: Closed-Circuit EEBD (OCEANCO)

The compressed oxygen is stored in a small cylinder. 

When the cap is removed, the latch between cover and oxygen cylinder's regulator is activated and flow starts.

 The regulator adjusts pressure depending on the breathing bag. If the bag flattens, the rate of flow increases.

Then, it is filtered in scrubber containing  lithium hydroxide that absorbs CO2. 

 The regulated oxygen comes to the black Breathing Bag. If pressure exceeds the working pressure of the Breathing Bag, the excess gas is vented via relief valve fited on the bag.

Thereafter, air is delivered to the hood through mouthpiece.

During exhalation, the exhaled CO2 rich air comes to the scrubber to be absorbed. Then it goes to Breathing Bag again.

The working time is 10-15 minutes as per maker manual.

It is handy to carry and maintenance-free equipment.

Please see the parts in the picture below:

Ocenco EEBD Cover
Ocenco EEBD Parts

Closer Look: Pressure Regulator

Pressure regulators in EEBD and SCBAs are ''in-line'' type. That means the regulator is integrated along the airpath. 

When the clinder is turned on, high pressure air will start to flow to the valve seat. When air is passed after the spring, the air accumulated between low pressure side of the pipeline and hood will trigger the spring to close the valve.

Spring load is adjusted by maker.

Outlet pressure < spring load force: Valve Opens (spring in neutral postion) - air flows.

Outlet pressure> spring load force: Valve closes (spring is compressed) - air stops.


                                                   Some Important Rules Related with EEBD

  • Minimum duration: 10 minutes as per SOLAS II-2/13.3.4; 15 minutes as per IGC Code 14.1.
  • EEBD should be carried ''hand-free''.(MSC/Circular.849 )
  • EEBD should be protected by the environment. (MSC/Circular.849 ) (That means EEBDs should be stored inside a locker).


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